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These are some school projects that I thought were interesting and fun, and are unique enough that I am willing to bet very few other people have done the same thing,

Peer-to-Peer Network Project

Class: Computer Networks and Applications

School: University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia

Spring 2020


  • Programmed a local P2P network that handles file sharing, real-time join/leave, and multiple protocol communication.

  • Leveraged Java multithreading, UDP, and TCP socket programming principles to create a fast and dynamic system.









CTF System Shell Attack

Class: Ethical Hacking

School: University of Maryland - College Park

Fall 2019


  • Programmed a bruteforce attack to an open port on a hosted server in Python by utilizing a wordlist and solving a captcha

  • Leveraged a command injection vulnerability to implement an interactive shell to capture a flag


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